Hi There! 👋

Welcome to my blog!

I'm Mick, a self-taught fullstack developer working for a small IT shop in Sydney, Australia for over 10 years...
I also run InterApptive on the side.

I hold a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering, and from there I started my working life doing CAD drafting and business analytics for a few major Australian companies. Over time my responsibilities shifted to building business process management applications using Angular, and a couple of years later I published my very first cross-platform mobile app.

The tech stack I work with evolves constantly, but I'm most familiar with Node.Js, C#, Angular, Ionic with a little bit of Java and Swift thrown in for Capacitor plugin development. Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and MongoDB are my data stores of choice. I also use Microsoft Azure for all my hosting and DevOps needs.

My own company InterApptive focusses on mobile apps, feel free to check out our current major project DefectWise

In this blog I want to share short snippets of common code that gets used a lot, small but crucial tips that I wish I learned sooner, I will also write up some case studies about my projects and my own professional development that may help others on their journey.

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